+081-0-0291243info@elizade.net322A, Elizade Plaza, Ikorodu Road, Lagos, Nigeria

Our Focus

Our Customers

Over the years, the company has established a relationship of trust and confidence with its loyal customers.  Once a vehicle is sold, it is backed up with all our maintenance muscle and experience of over three decades.  Whatever model you buy, you can be sure ELIZADE will always be there to help you achieve pleasant motoring experience all the time.  For this, the company has been richly rewarded with customers’ loyalty


The company’s operations have been fully computerised in line with the demand of the new millennium.  As a means of enhancing the automation process, a lot has been invested in state-of-the-art systems in both high end server, workstations and cloud systems.  There has been huge investment in training in the use of office automation tools and appropriate business management software.  There company is online real time 24 x 7 and can be easily reached by all our customers and stakeholders from all over the world.


Beautiful structures housing gleaming TOYOTA vehicles of all shapes, colours, brands, models and sizes.  That’s  ELIZADE for you.  As a Grade A automated TOYOTA dealer, the company sells only tropicalized made-for-Nigeria vehicles.  It maintains a vast depot of TOYOTA vehicles so that orders are met promptly and delivery is made without unduly long waiting time.  Courteous and dedicated staff are ever ready to offer helpful advice and to answer your questions.


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